O dear St. John, the young, the brave,
Who Fearless stood when strong men fled,
Teach us that love defies the grave
And seek Christ risen from the dead.
O thou, “the one whom Jesus loved”,
Our model be in life and death!
His faith in thy strong love he proved,
When charging thee with dying breath.
To take his mother as thine own,
A trust we honour now as then,
To stand forever as her son,
And so bequeath that name to men.
We are those sons we bear thy name,
We’ll make St. John’s Ilode, known,
No deed of ours will ever shame,
The badge that we have made our own.
Nigeria that gave us birth,
Will know our faith and unity;
Where’er we roam across the earth,
We’ll love all men for love of thee.
With wisdom from the Holy Ghost,
With Mary’s shining purity
St. John true son will be a host
‘Gainst evil till eternity.